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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Health Tips

Just three cups of tea a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer in young women. New research shows that the chances of developing a tumor drop by around 37 percent in women under 50 who drank tea at least three times daily. Older women who consumed similar amounts did not see a same benefit; researchers theorized that the anti-cancer properties of tea may have a more potent effect on the types of tumors that tend to grow in younger women. Although the health benefits of tea are well known, they have long been considered to mostly affect heart disease. A study last year showed four cups a day could reduce your risk of a heart attack. However, other recent studies have suggested that tea can protect against skin cancer, ovarian cancer and even weak bones.

Overwhelming evidence shows that consuming artificial sweeteners will likely wreak havoc on the body. A study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health revealed some disturbing news on Splendid. Splendid reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50 percent, increases the pH level in the intestines, and affects a glycoprotein in the body that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you're on certain medications. In addition, they found unmistakable evidence that Splendid is absorbed by fat, contrary to previous claims. The intestinal bacteria help maintain the body's overall balance of friendly versus unfriendly micro-organisms and supports general health

To maintain a healthy immune system and reduce your risk of heart disease eat Brussels sprouts. Many people do not like these nutritionally rich gems but they are a good source of dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin K, beta-carotene and several key antioxidants. Brussels sprouts also reduce the risk of colon cancer and other cancers, promote healthy elimination, and protect against birth defects.

There are ways to keep your breath fresh without using expensive mouthwash or chewing gum. Brush your teeth and floss after every meal if possible. If you aren't able to brush your teeth or floss after eating, rinse your mouth with water and try to loosen any food particles around your teeth. When you are able to brush your teeth, you need to brush your tongue too. The tongue, especially the back of the tongue, is a warm harbor for bacteria. Spend some time on the tongue, moving slowly toward the back so as not to activate your gag reflex. A tongue scraper used twice a day can also be useful. During the day keep your mouth hydrated. A dry mouth can lead to bad breath so try snacking on oranges or celery, and drink plenty of water. To freshen your mouth try an herbal palate cleanser such as parsley (chew on it after meals), drink peppermint tea, or chew two or three fennel or anise seeds or one clove. If you still have bad breath, contact your dentist. He or she may be able to prescribe an antimicrobial mouthwash and can diagnose any condition or concerns of the oral cavity that may be causing the problems, such as gum disease.

The best-known herb for the heart in western herbalist is hawthorn. Noted herbalist Christopher Hobbs has a special affection for hawthorn because it helped his father strengthen his heart after a heart attack more than two decades ago. Hobbs wrote: "The extract of hawthorn can increase blood flow to the heart muscle itself, helping to counteract one of the most common modern causes of death in industrial countries - heart attack due to lack of blood flow to the heart."
Whether you have angina, arrhythmia, an enlarged heart, or congestive heart failure, you can benefit from taking hawthorn. It's helpful anytime that there is deterioration of the heart muscle. Although hawthorn cannot reverse severe damage done by heart disease. If you have an enlarged heart, hawthorn won't make it smaller but it will probably ease some of the symptoms and increase the function and strength of your heart. Hawthorn assists healthy hearts, too. It's been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce levels of blood cholesterol, and prevent cholesterol buildup on artery walls-actions that help prevent heart disease. A study by the German Federal Ministry of Health found that hawthorn gently increases the strength of the heart, normalizes rhythm, and benefits circulation within the heart itself by dilating the coronary arteries. In Germany, many extracts and medicinal preparations use hawthorn alone or in combination with other herbs.

Your skin is much more than an outer surface to cover bones and muscles--it's the largest organ of your body. Your skin protects your internal organs from injury; helps detoxify wastes through perspiration; is an important line of immune defense against infections--a barrier to viruses and bacteria; protects you against extreme changes in temperature, through its thermoregulatory effect of controlling heat flow between you and your environment; produces and stores vitamin D (important to your immune system); rich in receptors to allow you to sense conditions around you like hard/soft and hot/cold and send information to your brain so you can react to it for self-preservation; protects your body from sunburns and dehydration.
There are many ingredients in personal care products that are harmful to the body. When you put those products on your skin, it will absorb those ingredients. Those harmful ingredients are:
Mineral Oil, Paraffin, and Petrolatum: Petroleum products that coat the skin like plastic, clogging pores and creating a build-up of toxins, which in turn accumulate and can lead to dermatologic issues. Slows cellular development, which can cause you to show earlier signs of aging. Suspected cause of cancer. Disruptive of hormonal activity.
Parables: Widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic industry (including moisturizers). An estimated 13,200 cosmetic and skin care products contain parables. Studies implicate their connection with cancer. They have hormone-disrupting qualities (mimicking estrogen) and interfere with the body's endocrine system.
Phenol carbolic acid: Found in many lotions and skin creams. Can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma and even death from respiratory failure.
Propylene glycol: Used as a moisturizer in cosmetics and as a carrier in fragrance oils. Shown to cause dermatitis, kidney or liver abnormalities, and may inhibit skin cell growth or cause skin irritation.
Acryl amide: Found in many hand and face creams. Linked to mammary tumors in lab research.
Sodium laurel or laurel sulfate (SLS), also known as sodium laurite sulfate (SLES): Found in car washes, engine degreasers, garage floor cleaners... and in over 90% of personal care products! SLS breaks down the skin's moisture barrier, easily penetrates the skin, and allows other chemicals to easily penetrate. Combined with other chemicals, SLS becomes a "nitrosamine", a potent class of carcinogen. It can also cause hair loss. SLES is sometimes disguised with the labeling "comes from coconut" or "coconut-derived."
Toluene: Poison! Danger! Harmful or fatal if swallowed! Harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Made from petroleum or coal tar, and found in most synthetic fragrances. Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage, and may affect a developing fetus. Butyrate hydroxytoluene (BHT) contains toluene. Other names may include benzoic and benzyl.
Dioxin: Found in compounds known as PEG, Polysorbates, Laurent, ethoxylated alcohols. Common in a wide range of personal care products. The compounds are usually contaminated with high concentrations of highly volatile 1, 4-dioxane, easily absorbed through the skin. Dioxin’s carcinogenicity was first reported in 1965 and later confirmed in studies including one from the National Cancer Institute in 1978. Nasal passages and liver are the most vulnerable. Dioxin is easily removed during the manufacturing process by "vacuum stripping." Warning: It is a synthetic derivative of coconut. Watch for hidden language on labels, such as "comes from coconut."
Aromatherapy can be an extraordinary medicine. When a patient smells a particular aroma, scent molecules attach to the exterior of cell ramparts at the top of the nose. This triggers the discharge of neurotransmitters and other chemicals that inspire special parts of the brain. Scent that patients get pleasure from more effective remedies than those that they discover unpleasant. Various health conditions can be enhanced with aromatherapy. Whether or not these troubles can be prohibited with aromatherapy is still being researched.
Anxiety: Green apple and cucumber have been exposed to decrease anxiety by about 18%. Also, patients who inhale violet have an increase in alpha influence, a symbol of heightened relaxation.
Energy: People who odor a peppermint scent or chew up a piece of peppermint gum or candy understanding a sudden rupture of energy. Also helpful: The smell of strawberries or buttered popcorn. Both reason a raise in energy as healthy as metabolism.
Obesity: Quantities of studies have exposed that particular odors can assist people lose weight. Some scents stimulate the part of the hypothalamus that controls hunger. Odors also may work as a displacement mechanism--a reminder to consume less. Peppermint and green apple have been exposed to be effective. One great study found that people who sniffed either one of these scents when they felt hungry lost an average of 30 pounds over a six-month phase. It's also helpful to take common deep sniffs of foodstuff while eating. Odor molecules, regardless of the food they come from, can trick the brain into thinking that more has been inspired, which helps hold back the appetite.
Attentiveness and memory: Aromatherapy can be used to go faster learning speed and promote enhanced concentration and memory. Sniffing a flowery essential lubricate triggers the release of nor epinephrine and adrenocorticotropic hormone, hormones that raise concentration. Floral scents have been exposed to improve memory and learning speed by about 17%. In one study, people were exposed to unusual scents prior to bowling. Those who smelled jasmine knocked downward 28% additional pins, almost certainly because it improved their concentration and hand / eye coordination.

A very old scroll was create in Egypt that listed medical container histories, recorded approximately 3000 B.C. Case #3 described treatment for a sharp head wound: later than cover the wound close, oil and honey were useful to prevent infection.
Researchers have written, "Honey has been used from the time when ancient times as a remedy in injury concern. Proof from animal studies and some trials have recommended honey might go faster wound healing." The results they originate demonstrate that in sharp wounds (i.e. burns, lacerations) honey had an important result. In some modest wounds where injure to nervous tension and blood vessels occurred, healing time was cheap by as much as 04 or 05 days evaluated to conservative cure. The use of honey in chronic wounds (i.e. diabetic ulcers, arterial and venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, and infected surgical wounds) didn’t considerably boost healing time compared to straight treatments.
The honey used to treat wounds has to be in the unprocessed state (raw, uncooked does not meet the criteria) because honey contains enzymes and nutrients that can be extremely useful to the body. Unluckily, heat destroys several of them, and profitable honey is heated to stay it from crystallizing inside dispensation machinery. You can discover raw honey in the natural food section of your general grocery store or at your local health food store. Get honey from local sources--the honey gathered closest to your home is the most excellent for you.

Millions of people knowledge hopelessness at times during their lifetime; There is an herbal enhancement that can assist recover your mood.

Garlic is wealthy in manganese, vitamin C, and selenium. Garlic also has a therapeutic action outstanding to its photochemical containing sulphur. Garlic supports usual blood pressure and may help out lessen serum cholesterol and helps avoid plaque forming in the arteries. Research also demonstrates that garlic helps inferior the rate of cancer in the gastrointestinal area. Accumulation garlic to your meals is a cheap health supplement.
Boost your confrontation to winter woes with vitamin C
To construct a healthy resistant system this approaching winter, make sure your diet includes plenty of natural vitamins C. This influential antioxidant acting a vital role in the renovate and regeneration of tissues, and helps defend cells throughout the body. Good food sources of vitamin C that are plentiful and can be enjoyed all year time-consuming include (raw not cooked): broccoli, cantaloupe, kiwi, oranges, peppers, pineapple, pink grapefruit, and strawberries.


Researchers have initiated that revealing scented roses to volunteers in their slumber can assist in having pleasant dreams. Studies on a group of 15 volunteers who were bare to smells of rotten eggs and roses for thirty nights have indicated that smell has a cause on human emotions. After sensational the volunteers to these smells, they were wake up and asked to remember their dreams. Those bare to floral scents recorded having enjoyable optimistic dreams and those bare to the unpleasant smell of rotten eggs were recorded as having unenthusiastic dreams.
Researchers say that unlike other mind, brain structures involved in smelling are forever awake and control the emotional tone of sleep. If you don't have right of entry to fresh flowers, a Lavender Naturopath that uses scents linked with pleasure lavender, chamomile & jasmine can be used to carry pleasant dreams and a good night's sleep.
You are what you eat is almost certainly never more obvious than soon after you eat a suitable, good-tasting snack food meal. Mainly of the time you start to feel tired, your mood sinks, your brain feels foggy, and you may even feel starving once more, not to talk about all the guilt you have for putting belongings into your body that you recognize will move you in the direction of disease and illness.
You may suffer an odd sensation on the top of your mouth, a sign that you are harming yourself. Pay concentration to the signals and clues your body is charitable you, especially after you consume unhealthful food.
The more that you eat a fast full of sugar, grains and bad fats (especially trans fats), the more you are impairing your brain's aptitude to "hear" the biochemical signals that inform it to discontinue eating and storing fat--a good sign of why there are an growing amount of obese people now.
These signals come from the hormones insulin and lepton, and their work is to, in the middle of other things, manage your metabolism. Insulin mechanism mostly at the cellular stage, telling the huge majority of your cells whether to flame or store fat and sugar, and whether to utilize that power for maintenance, repair or reproduction. Lepton, on the other hand, propels signals that decrease your lack of food, add to fat burning and decrease fat storage.

People continuously complaint about the expenditure of health care; they want to eat food that is cheap and tastes sugary or salty. When they get unwell, they want an instruction medicine to fix the difficulty caused by the cheap food they ate. The prescription medicine is costly and has many side effects, most of which are more health troubles. Have you seen a full-page ad in a journal followed by 2 or 3 pages of warning in small print? If people would attempt to eat food that is wholesome and in a usual state (raw fruits and vegetables, organic eggs and meats) and not the material with a 20-year shelf life, they may avoid that cruel series. If the ingredient in your food includes a long catalog of chemicals and preservatives, what will those things do to you? You are what you eat.

Fluke parasites are a kind of parasitic flatworm that can reason infections and diseases of the digestive zone and lungs of its host species. The name "trematode" is from the Greek meaning, "having holes." This refers to the outside suckers that adult flukes use to leech nutrients from their hosts. Fluke parasites have quite complex life cycles and have to generally inhabit several hosts. Humans can agreement a fluke parasite infection by consuming uncooked fish, plants, or animals or from get in touch with fluke-infected waters. Algae on ponds can be a crowd for these parasites.
There are several conducts to rid you of these parasites--black walnut tincture and wormwood, fresh cloves (kills eggs), fresh pumpkin seeds, and other herbs. You be supposed to be able to discover most of these in your local health food store. Oil of oregano is also effective

Researchers have discovered that obtainable veggie could be awful for your brain, with those on a meat-free diet six times more probable to undergo brain shrinkage. Vegans and vegetarians are the majority likely to be lacking because the best sources of the vitamin are meat, particularly liver, milk and fish. Vitamin B12 shortage can also cause anemia and inflammation of the nervous system.

The health benefits for asparagus are: high in vitamin K and foliate, assist put off birth defects, helps menstrual cramps, high-quality for gastrointestinal territory and the colon, helps depression, a good anti-inflammatory, helps to get rid of growth, helps detoxify the body, helps to inferior cholesterol, has antifungal and antiviral qualities, helps to keep away from varicose veins, helps to prevent cataract, helps take care of toothaches.

Eating broccoli might reverse harm to heart blood vessels. The solution is a compound in broccoli called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane give confidence production of enzymes that defend the blood vessels, and reduces the digit of molecules that cause cell harm by up to 73 percentages.

Low-priced, Healthy, Food
The healthiest food that is effortless on the budget: organic eggs, uncooked milk, uncooked nuts and seeds, fresh berries, watermelon, coconut milk, spinach, garlic, wild rice.

Just one can of the popular refreshment energy drink Red Bull can increase your danger of heart attack or stroke. The result was seen even in youthful people. The caffeine-loaded beverage causes blood to turn into sticky, a pre-cursor to cardiovascular troubles such as stroke. One hour after drinking Red Bull, your blood system becomes nonstandard, as may be expected from a patient with cardiovascular syndrome. Red Bull is prohibited in Norway, Uruguay and Denmark for the reason that of health risks.

When you leave out meals, two things occur. First, your metabolism slows down. Second, since you brain thinks that you are starve it will tell your body to stock up any food that it does take delivery of the form of overweight. In other words, skipping meals weight gain. The most excellent thing you can do for your body, no matter what your targets are, is to begin every day with breakfast and eat a helpful meal or snack every 3 hours. This in turn will increase your metabolism, give you with a profusion of energy and allow your body to blaze more fat 24-7.

A single serving of brand new fruit or vegetables every day appears to decrease by 40% the possibility that you will have a stoke. The potassium, magnesium, and fiber that is found in fruit and vegetables work together to control blood pressure.

Red palm oil is one of the richest plant sources of cancer fighting squalling and heart defensive CoQ10. It is the richest food resource of the two most significant antioxidant nutrients--vitamin E and beta-carotene. It is the debut source of tocotrienol, an extremely potent form of vitamin E that is gaining recognition as an influential anticancer, heart defensive antioxidant.

You must be able to obtain fresh blackberries all summer. The nutrients found in blackberries are calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Blackberries are anti-laxative which is outstanding for fighting diarrhea, are good as a blood cleanser, and are outstanding for liveliness.

Turmeric, which is found in curry and mustard, might assist prevent Alzheimer's. Cloves have some of the most powerful antioxidants. Rosemary is also complete of antioxidants. Ginger is anti-inflammatory and may support relieve arthritis. Cinnamon may help minor blood sugar and cholesterol.

Leave the skin on fruits and vegetables whenever you can. A lot of nutrients are just below the skin and the skin adds fiber and texture to your meal or snack. Don't buy pre-sliced fruits. Cut them up yourself. They charge more and can lose some of the vitamin C content.

Men lacking in vitamin D seem to have a higher risk of heart attacks than men whose blood levels of vitamin D are sufficient. Medical records and blood samples of more then 400 men among the ages of 40 / 75 who had deadly or nonfatal heart attacks between Jan-1993 and Jan-2004 were compared with 900 men who had no history of cardiovascular disease. The vitamin D tie remained important smooth after researchers familiar for such heart disease danger factors as family history of heart attacks, body mass catalog, alcohol consumption, physical activities, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, omega 3 eating and ethnicity. The study was conducted by researchers. The results recommend that current recommendations for vitamin D intake require to be increased to boost blood levels of vitamin D high sufficient to benefit health. The research showed that men whose blood levels of vitamin D were 15 monograms per milliliter or less were at greater than before danger. Sufficient blood levels of vitamin D were 30 monograms per milliliter or more.
Speeding up through meals while focusing on work or problems, and eating with people or in situations that make you anxious are awful for your health. Eat sitting down in one place (not standing, driving or lying down). Peaceful yourself before starts. Take a deep breath and let it out. Take a second breath, hold it for a few seconds and then let it out. Take a third breathe, breathing in intensely and hold for a longer time, then let it out. This will help you relax and aid digestion. Take a minute to be thankful. Then eat gradually. Chew your food very well. Chew thirty times per mouthful (60 for those who have digestive problems, 100 for those who have diabetes). Chewing also helps you calm down.
If you consume drinks with caffeine or eat positive foods, chances are your teeth can be stained and discolored. Tooth-whitening strips are complete of chemicals. To keep away from the chemicals, you can build your own teeth whitener with dried out sage leaves and sea salt. It will support you find your teeth white again and also has antibacterial properties and will create your teeth feel squeaky clean.

Here is the formula:

2 tablespoons dried sage leaves

2 tablespoons sea salt

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. using an excitement grinder or a mortar and pestle, grind the salt and sage together. Increase the mixture evenly on a boiling sheet and bake for half hour. Allow cooling it, and then mix to blend. Place the mixture in a small jar or other container. Insert some to your toothbrush and brush vigorously, and then clean thoroughly.

Researchers have found that those who exercise have younger DNA by up to 9 years which is an unbelievable advantage. So exercising may do more than immediately help prevent illness--it may in fact make you young longer. Working up a worry seems to be important.
People who exercised vigorously at slightest 3 hours each week had longer telomeres (the defensive ends of the chromosomes that cut down as you age) and were 9 years younger than couch potatoes who did not exercise. This holds factual after removing other factors like smoking, age, weight and activity stage at work.
Researchers believe that shortened telomeres can raise the risk of age-related diseases like high blood pressure, mental difficulty, cancer and more. This is because as telomeres shorten, there is more tension on your body's tissues to function properly. Researchers consider that exercise helps decrease damage by free radicals, allowing your body to expend its efforts in maintaining health as a substitute of repairing damage.

Potatoes may hold a chemical called solanine. When potatoes have a green tint to their skin, they may really have sunburn. Potatoes breed underground and if they are exposed to light, they develop a green tint appropriate to chlorophyll production which normally happens in the stems and the leaves, but not in the tubers. The chlorophyll is harmless, but the light exposure also causes the potatoes to build up a higher stage of an exasperating chemical called solanine which causes the potatoes to flavor bitter.
Some people state to be sensitive to solanine and think they may feel increased arthritis type ache after eating potatoes with a green tint. Although the relationship between arthritis pain and solanine from dietary sources remains unverified, investigate does show that solanine may unfavorably affect the cells that make up the lining of the bowels and could perhaps irritate inflammatory bowel disorder. To stay away from solanine, don't buy potatoes that have green skin. Store potatoes in dark place in your food store or kitchen.

Sleep allows the body to fix and rejuvenate and also reduces fatigue and pressure. Dreaming helps to obvious the nervous system. There are five separate phases of sleep. The first 2 phases are considered glow sleeping which takes place the bulk of the night. The 3rd and 4th Phases are measured deep sleeping or "delta sleep" and rest and restore. Phase 5 is the dream condition which generally involves quick eye movement or REM. A normal prototype of sleep may come about like this: light sleep, deep sleep, REM, light sleep, deep sleep, rest and restoration. The first phase of light sleep lasts about 45 minutes.
A good night's sleep is necessary for good health and feeling good.

The way you breathe affects your health moreover. We get about 28,000 breaths in a day and each breath gives you an opportunity to open up the lower lobes of the lungs from side to side "whole lung breathing." thin breathing reaches only the upper lungs and triggers the stress receptors. Whole lung breathing reaches the lower lobes and activates the calming receptors that exist in there. It encourages the lymphatic system so throw away products can be efficiently approved from the body. Lastly, breathing into the lower lobes allows the beam cage to be stretchy and open.
To do "whole lung breathing," breathe deeply through your nose only (the best way to make active the lower lung receptors) and breathe in, filling up the lower lobes of the lungs, followed by the center lobes and then the upper lobes. Then, press out all the air, as best as you can, as you breathe out through the nose. This style of nasal breathing will ensure complete respiratory capability with each breath and is forever recommended, even while doing reasonable to vigorous exercise.


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